This complex procedure has many advantages and disadvantages, making it a viable “last stop” for many people. But with the advancement of technology and research, IVF has improved to be one of the first steps people should consider when encountered with any fertility issues.
Advantages of IVF
While IVF is only one treatment for infertility issues, it does offer several safe benefits for most people.High Success Rate of Pregnancy
IVF has been shown to increase a person’s chances of conception even in women over the age of 30. As the top assisted reproductive technology, IVF provides the highest success rate for all infertility issues. Over time, a woman’s eggs lower in quantity and quality due to the natural aging process. With IVF, only the most viable eggs are selected for the procedure.
Helps to Overcome Infertility in Both Men and Women
In addition to the natural aging process on a woman’s eggs, infertility can be related to ovulation conditions, reproductive tract blockage, low sperm count, and/or scarring or damage to the fallopian tubes. IVF involves retrieval of eggs and sperm or use of donor eggs and sperm, voiding the need for a healthy uterus.
Less Chance of Miscarriage
With IVF, preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is used to analyze if there are any abnormal genetics that offer a high risk of miscarriage. Use of advanced technology focuses on the integrity of the embryos before transfer to the uterus.
Open to Anyone
IVF offers a viable option to men and women who may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience parenthood. Same-sex couples, infertile couples, and single people are able to have the same prospect through donor sperm/egg, surrogacy, and assisted fertilization.
Donated Eggs/Sperms Can Be Used
For some men and women, infertility complications and health conditions can see the need for use of donated sperm and/or eggs. By using the science of IVF, these people have a greater chance to begin a new chapter in their lives as parents.
You Can Select the Perfect Time
Many people decide to focus on their education and careers in their 20s and through most of their 30s before deciding to have children. Following this option can prove to be challenging as the quality and quantity of eggs and sperm can diminish over time. IVF can be used to fertilize any eggs and sperm that were previously cryopreserved or to be used with donor eggs and sperm.
Improves the Chances of Having a Healthy Baby
The miracle of life is priceless and every new parent hopes and prays for a healthy baby. Using IVF therapy provides access to PGT which can screen test for genetic decompositions within the embryo before being transferred into the uterus.

Disadvantages of IVF
While there are many advantages to IVF treatment, there are also some clear disadvantages. It’s important to note, however, that not everyone experiences one or all of the disadvantages of IVF.The Risk of Multiple Pregnancies
IVF treatment has a high risk of multiple pregnancies. While this may be true in some studies, the procedure is often done with the use of only one embryo for that very reason. Most fertility clinic treatments focus on one pregnancy at a time. In cases where more than one fetus develops, the health risks for both babies and the mother will increase.
It’s Expensive
It is true that IVF can be expensive as it encompasses payment of medication, tests, travel expenses, and other related costs. For some, these costs are the reason IVF may be delayed or not even attempted. There are funding programs through various fertility clinics, local organizations, and provincial governments that can be accessed.
Higher Risk of an Unsuccessful Cycle
Not every IVF cycle is successful and there are no guarantees as to how many cycles a person may require before a pregnancy occurs. With the use of modern science, a fertility specialist may be able to investigate the chances of success based on the individual situation.
Also Read: Failed IVF: Steps to Take in Your Next Attempt
Can Lead to Various Health Issues
In the beginning years of IVF, the procedures and medications were blamed for birth defects, high risk pregnancies, egg retrieval complications, and even cancer diagnosis. More recent studies debunk these claims. Aside from the risk for health complications, IVF can have a detrimental effect on a person’s mental state, especially in cases where the IVF cycles are unsuccessful.
Premature Baby
As with many cases of naturally conceived babies, there can be a risk for premature delivery and low birthweight of the child. These factors alone can lead to short- and long-term health problems. The cases where this is evident with use of IVF consists of treatment using a higher amount of medication content during the IVF cycle.
Fewer Eggs Collected
With IVF, there is a chance fewer than expected eggs may be retrieved due to various quality and/or quantity concerns of the individual woman. It is expected that 80% to 90% of the follicles should yield eggs. In some rare cases, no eggs are retrieved with the procedure.