Whether you’re a couple hoping to have children or a surrogate who wants to give the gift of parenthood to your clients, the day of an embryo transfer procedure is full of excitement. But it can also be extremely nerve-wracking for everyone involved. The fact that you’ve made it this far on your IVF or fertility journey is certainly worth celebrating.
So, what can you expect going forward? Naturally, you probably have a lot of questions and concerns. We’re here to answer them for you and help you prepare for this momentous occasion in any way we can. Keep reading for some excellent embryo transfer tips to help you prepare for the big day!

Embryo Transfer Tips: How to Prepare for the Embryo Transfer Procedure
Plan the Day of the Procedure Ahead of Time
When it comes to an embryo transfer procedure, there’s a lot that is out of your physical control, so it’s important to plan properly for the things that you can control. To ensure that the procedure goes off without a hitch, make sure to plan the entire day accordingly. Map out your main route to the clinic in advance. Check weather and traffic reports for the day of the procedure. It’s important to give yourself plenty of time to get to the clinic for your scheduled appointment to decrease the amount of stress and anxiety you may be feeling that day.
Make Sure You Take All of Your Medications as Prescribed
Prior to your embryo transfer procedure, the clinic will have prescribed you a list of medications including progesterone. Make sure to take all of your medications exactly as prescribed in the days and weeks leading up to your embryo transfer appointment. This is important because these medications help to prepare your body for pregnancy.
If you’re going to be travelling or out of town during this period, then take your medications with you. Obtain the appropriate medical notes from your fertility clinic in Ontario well ahead of time, so that you can take your medications on whatever mode of transportation you’re using (e.g. planes, trains, etc.). Advise the cabin crew that some medications may require injections while others can be taken orally.
Get All the Details for the Day of the Transfer
If you’ve been through this process before, then you likely already know what to expect. However, if this is your first time undergoing an embryo transfer procedure, then you probably have a lot of questions about what the procedure entails. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about what you should be doing to take care of yourself, about side effects of the medications and hormone therapy you’re on, or any other related topic. But don’t wait until the last minute either. If you have questions or concerns, be sure to get the answers from your fertility clinic immediately.
Carefully Read and Follow the Instructions Provided by the Clinic
Based on your own personal patient assessments, your fertility doctor will make specific embryo transfer preparation instructions. Be sure to read, understand, and follow them carefully. Considering this process can be a very overwhelming time in your life, it’s also advised that you have your partner or someone else that’s close to you read the instructions as well and help you follow them as much as possible.
Make Post-Embryo Transfer Preparations
After the procedure is over, your fertility doctor will want to take a few minutes to discuss post-op care including reviewing medications and specific instructions with you and your partner.
Some patients bounce back a lot faster than others after a minor or major medical procedure. Embryo transfers are fairly straightforward procedures for the most part. But everyone requires different post-procedure recovery times and methods. While physical relaxation post-procedure isn’t always necessary, the stress and excitement of the occasion itself can be mentally draining. With that in mind, you and your partner might want to take a few personal moments of respite immediately after the procedure to process the whole experience.
Tips to Consider During the Embryo Transfer Procedure
Get to Know Your Fertility Team
From your fertility doctor to the embryologist at the clinic, there’s a whole group of key players and medical personnel that are going to be with you and supporting you along your entire conception journey. It’s important to know who all of these people are and what roles they play in the grand scheme of things, so that you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the entire process.
Understand the Steps Followed by the Embryologist
An embryologist is a fertility expert. Their job is to help create viable fresh or frozen embryos that can be used for IVF treatment. Together with your fertility doctor, the embryologist will help establish an ideal conception plan that works for you and your partner.
Important Tips for Post-Embryo Transfer
What to Do at the Clinic
Once the embryo transfer is complete, you and your partner can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Take a few minutes to catch your breath and relax. Your fertility doctor will be available to answer any questions you have, explain what to expect in the next few days, and provide you with written after-care instructions. Since the procedure requires a full bladder, you can also take this time to relieve yourself in the clinic’s bathroom.
What to Do Once You Get Home
Implantation may take one to two days following the embryo transfer procedure, so be patient! Take this time to relax, unwind, and get lots of rest while your body does all the work. Consider booking one or two days off work, although it’s not necessary. If possible, you may even want to work from home rather than commuting. Avoid doing any physically strenuous activities and just take a few days to relax.
It can take up to two weeks post-procedure for a positive reading on a pregnancy test. Patience is a big virtue during this time. Ask your doctor about potential symptoms or side effects that you may experience throughout this two-week period.
At ONE Fertility Kitchener Waterloo, we offer a variety of fertility treatments including IVF, ICSI, and IUI. With a commitment to providing compassionate and informative pre- and post-treatment care to all of our patients, our team of fertility experts specialize in boosting your chances of conceiving. We specialize in embryo storage, creation, and implantation to maximize the chances of achieving optimal results for our patients.
To learn more about our fertility clinic in Ontario or to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians, please contact us.